ECMWF Special Projects applications - 30 June deadline is close!
13, June, 2024
·1 minute read

From 2024 Special Projects, beside the HPC resources, also has the access to the operational European Weather Cloud service.
If you are interested in this service, please indicate your resource requirements and add a section outlining your intended usage to your Special Project request.
Special Projects are defined as 'experiments or investigations of a scientific or technical nature, likely to be of interest to the general scientific community'.
Users within one of ECMWF's Member States may apply for resources as a Special Project. This possibility is particularly, but not exclusively, suitable for projects which are undertaken in co-operation between several institutions, nationally or internationally.
For further information on this opportunity and to submit the applications, see: The Special Projects application page.
If you miss the 30 June deadline, you could still submit a "late request" via the dedicated form as soon as you can, but the total amount of accessible resources might be limited in size.
If you have any questions before submitting the application, please email [email protected].